Install Ubuntu Software Center In Kali Linux Download
- In this post i'll teach you how to install Ubuntu Software center in Kali and BackTrack 5 Linux. Its the same process. And question is what we can do with that Ubuntu Software Center, or for what we need that?
- May 20, 2017 - 'software-center': The new package name is gnome-software. For the latest version: software-center_13.10-0ubuntu4.1.debian.tar.gz ).
I want to know if there is any way to install Kali tools like sqlmap
, nikto
, john
, aircrack-ng
, .. on Ubuntu 12.04?
If yes, then how should I proceed?
How to install Software Center on Kali Linux. Hi,added these lines in sources.list root@kali:~# apt-get install software-center Reading package lists.
3 Answers
Copy the following Kali repositories:
Replace the text YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION
based on your Ubuntu version.
- Ubuntu 12.04:
- Ubuntu 12.10:
- Ubuntu 13.04:
Assuming that you are using Ubuntu 13.04, your repositories would be
Note: If you're an Ubuntu 14.04 user, you can use raring
, as Trusty version of Kali repositories are not released
Update sources
Open your sources using the command
Now, gedit editor will open the file kali-tools.list
. Paste the above code at the end of your file and Save.
Copy the PGP Key
Copy the Key below and save it as key.pgp text file in your desktop.
Add PGP Key in apt
Open terminal and type
If your key addition is successful, you will see Ok
Now update your apt-get repositories using the command
Install Synaptic Package Manager
Use the command
If you already have Synaptic installed, you may skip this step.
Install Kali Tools
Now open Synaptic Package manager and click on Origin. You can see 2 Kali repositories by names
Click on the repositories and install the Tools from the list.
Ubuntu has more than that I think!
Cyber Sec I PPa's (Cybersec Team)
Black hat sec PPA's ( by D4RkNiK0l4s)
Install visual studio code on arch linux. Trusty
In those PPa's are more than 500+ hacking tools available,this guy has done a very good job!!Those tools are all open source and they don't belong to any name or something else. :D Ubuntu is a great distribution and it has many,many tools and packages available via repositoryinstall them like this :
Then open synaptic or whatever you like to use and start installing your tools!!
first of all , i dont advice you to change anything in the sources.list , because it going to damage your ubuntu sooner or later.
Demi lovato unbroken m4a download. but there is a good way to do so in these instructs :there is a good tool called katoolin that will save time for you.
warning: make a copy of your sources list
step 1 : copy your original sources.list
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.original
step 2: install git
sudo apt-get install git
step 3: get katoolin tool
git clone
step 4 : copy the tool to your usr bin directory
cp katoolin/ /usr/bin/katoolin
step 5 : change permissions to the tool
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
step 6 : run the tool and extra careful to do a sources.list clean up after every time you install a tool from it or use the tool to remove the repos , and check your self manually.
sudo katoolin
2.Black Box Repack edition = 3.Hitman Absoluiton Language pack ( english files) for skidrow: ___________________________________________________________________________ INSTALL NOTES 1. Trusted Link and Working! To view this website please verify your age:. Run Hitman.Absolution.v1.0.438.0.Update.Language.Pack.exe 2. Click This Link to Download the 'Hitman Absolution English Files' 1.
cleanup after running the tool
warning : dont use apt-get upgrade after running the tool it will crush your system and gnome
Install Ubuntu Software Center In Debian
first of all see the changes that happened in your sources.list
Kali Linux Tools On Ubuntu
step 1 : check what has been added
cat /etc/apt/sources.list grep 'kali'
if you see a kali source , remove its deb and deb-src and the safe the file.
Kali Linux Or Ubuntu
step 2 : check if there is any ppa from it and remove it :
sudo apt-key list grep kali
sudo apt-key del <id>
step 3 : clean what you just did:
sudo apt-get autoremove && apt-get clean
useful references :
(How can I remove gpg key that I added using apt-key add -?)
best regards,
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