Ldoce5 Apk Free Download

Ldoce5 Apk Free Download Average ratng: 3,8/5 123 votes

A small hack to force an android version of Longman Dictionary ofContemporary English (LDOCE) to work offline. The audio edition of thedictionary looks up for headwords pronunciations & recorded examplesin an external web server that sometimes struggles to keep up w/requests.

Download Longman Dictionary of English.APK For Android. Place woburn ma video downloader apk free download for android eip came. AdAway v4.0.7-180708 Cracked APK is Here! Download the given setup and Crack and extract using any iso burning software or simply. After that just copy/paste the “ldoce5.exe” file from patch folder to the installed directory; That it.

We can extract all the entries from the LDOCE app db; parse theirbroken xml; search for .mp3/.jpg filenames; download all externalresources; decode the dex files; replace http:// links w/ file://;rebuild the apk.

Sine qua non

  • LDOCE 1.3 apk (yes, an old one from around 2012; the app versionmust be exactly 1.3)
  • Ruby 2+
  • jdk 1.7+
  • Android SDK Tools
  • Linux (tested on Fedora 22)

Downloading mp3 & jpeg

Create an umbrella directory:

Don't run any commands under the cloned source directory. Do thisinstead:

Apk Free Games

Install required gems:

Run the downloader:

It'll take a loooong time. In any moment you can pressCtrl-C & rerun the command later--the script won't fetch the samefile twice.

Copying files to sd card

SD cards in Android phones are usually formatted w/ the FAT32filesystem that won't fly in our case forFAT32 has a limitationof 216Beauty and the beast 720p torrent. files per directory. (I hit the ceiling around 21844.)

Thus we need to create another partition on the sdcard & format it w/ext3 or ext4 filesystems & automount that partition during theboot. As I was already usingLink2SD that requires to have aseparate ext3 partition for it to work properly I chose /data/sdext2as an umbrella directory for the downloaded LDOCE assets.

E.g. copy longmandictionariesusa directory (2.1GB, 163,423 files) to/data/sdext2 directory on your device. This path is hardcoded &shoud be world-readable (0755 is fine). If you have plenty ofinternal space in the phone, replace /data/sdext2/ strings to thedesired location inpatch/apk_smali_com_mobifusion_android_data_ConverterCss.smali.patchfile before..

Generating a new APK

(While still in _out directory)

ldoce-offline-1.3.apk file should appear.

Ldoce5 Apk Free Download

Apk File Free Download

If you don't have an Android debug keystore~/.android/debug.keystore & a build step fails,look here how togenerate one.

Finally, install a new apk into your device:

You must uninstall the original LDOCE app before installing this one.



This entry was posted on 4/11/2019.