Install Softether Vpn Client On Linux

Install Softether Vpn Client On Linux Average ratng: 4,1/5 9492 votes

I downloaded the softether vpn client for my xubuntu 14.04 (32 bit) but after that I am unable to proceed further.

# description: Start VPN Client at boot time. # processname: vpnclient. ### end init info. Echo 'Stopping VPN Client'. /usr/local/bin/vpnclient stop. Route del -host

And they also don't have the installation guide for vpnclient ( they have for server).

So please guide me in how to successfully set up the softether vpnclient?

Thank you.


2 Answers

How to set up Softehter VPN Client under Linux: Via

Client Set Up Procedure Under Linux

  1. Download VPN client from
    • My platform is Debian 7 X64
  2. compile vpn client in your platform in the un-compressed vpn client directory
    • just type 'make' and accept all the license agreements and you should be O.K.
  3. start the vpnclient service as root
    • sudo ./vpnclient start
  4. connect to local vpnclient using 'vpncmd' (normal user mode, no root privilege needed'), create a local virtual NIC.


Softether Client

  1. go to '', find an appropriate vpn server

  2. Set up a vpn account in vpncmd.

I export the vpn account config file below, you can tailor it for your need.

the account export file '/home/luke/japan0.vpn':

  1. Now the vpn account is connected. Under Linux, the routing table is not modified automatically as under Windows. We need to manually tweak routing information to make SoftEther VPN work.
    • The key point here is : DHCP the virtual NIC to obtain virtual IP from VPN Server; add a route to VPN server via your original normal gateway, and modify the default route to use the VPN NIC and VPN gateway( the virtual address).

Before we tweak the routing table, enable ip forward in '/etc/sysctl.conf'

and load it by:

Now we are going to change the routing table.

Softether Vpn Client Free Download

After the dhcp process, vpn_se acquires an virtual ip address 'inet' from vpn server, and we can see from 'ip neigh' that the virtual IP address of vpn server is ''.

Softether Vpn Setup

Now we are going to add two routes to facilitate all traffic through new create VPN. My laptop is connected to router via wireless 'wlan0'.

After the route is set up correctly, we can see the default routing has been directed to VPN tunnel. We can confirm this from the output of 'traceroute' since all hops could not be displayed any more.

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A bash script will save lots of typing.


Even I faced the same problem but following step by step on this reference made my day.Inside .vpn file small changes need to be made, like, your account information and remote server you wish to route the traffic from and to. Choose from many remote server and create account by visiting this page. Adding my custom server configuration for clarification sake. Whatsapp para pc gratis como descargar e instalar google sites.

Hope this helps!!


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This entry was posted on 5/8/2019.